Marcus Lewis

Platform Engineer

Hello, I'm Marcus!

I’m a Software Engineer working in the platform space and living in Edinburgh. I specialise in building rock solid infrastructure at global scale.

Currently I'm working at Deliveroo creating a stable and efficient platform for developers.



Platform Engineer

Deliveroo is a global food delivery firm that is particularly popular in the UK.

I spend my time at Deliveroo focusing on platform stability and security.


Software Engineer

TravelNest provides a platform for vacation rental owners to market their properties.

I worked building out and improving their core product and payments infrastructure.


DevOps Engineer

PODFather provides Proof of Delivery software to businesses around the UK.

At PODFather I built their cloud infrastructure and developed tooling to make the developer experience better.

Stream Technologies

Lead Frontend Developer

ARM acquired Stream in 2018 to provide IoT connectivity management to businesses around the globe.

I led the frontend modernisation and improvement project for their flagship IoT-X product which is now ARM's Pellion platform.


Software Developer

iZettle acquired Intelligentpos in 2016 to help deliver a Point of Sale solution for small businesses.

Working at Intelligentpos I helped to develop several APIs and manage their CI/CD system.

Previous Work


Bike Tracking Mobile App


Android Calendar App (Private Beta)



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I've built many APIs that are used in high-load production environments using Go, Node.js, and Kotlin


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I've built Cloud Infrastructure using Terraform, Ansible, and Docker to create reproducable and highly available environments on AWS and GCP


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I've built many api-backed frontend applications and websites. At Stream I ran a project to upgrade their platform with a new, modern design system and web technologies


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I've led the design of websites, mobile apps and web apps. Creating design systems in Sketch and implementing them as Vue components